Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

Sparring Drills in Taekwondo

My teacher told me a lesson on the importance of our Taekwondo sparring drills. I liked the drills as everyone else in the dojo, but I was not sure if my teacher was with the presentation starts. Her large eyes alert in touch with me, as they always do. It was just a little 'smaller than me (and I'm short), but she was an experienced black belt with a lot of skill in Taekwondo. I have always enjoyed listening to his lectures; especially if only speak for me.

He went on to tell me her first competition and how she felt a bit 'concerned that the competition would go. He was nervous because he was not sure what was happening during the race, but it was soon learned that we can never be sure what would happen, and where it took place. On the street, in a corridor in a parking garage - could be anywhere by anyone - there should be attacked. We must think of our competitions as just. E 'in the unknown, fear and we should use our skills to focus on training of our combat exercises of Taekwondo.

I began to understand what to talk to me when they mentioned the word technique. In any martial art, the technique is essential to learn the martial art, and win more races. "We have to learn the technique through practice, starting slow and eventually are able to notice these movements with our bodies. True technique comes with practice and routine," he continued. I remembered only in Taekwondo and getting each movement just like in a slow and structured. At one point I could not move and combination beginners to do only with the word of my teachers.
I've seen where this position was with particular lesson. I knew that I needed to train for this first race of mine, and practicing our sparring drill was a good way to do this.

My teacher was a great way to develop plans for each student to follow through for practice for each competition.
She gave me my drill and my partner - a tall man with a black belt proudly tied to his waist. I thought it would be confused with my partner should be drilling for this man was very experienced and much taller than I am, however, drilling would be with an experienced partner well for me. I could learn a lot from him, and sparring with him would be the best way to prepare for my race. My sparring strategies were to practice again what I have learned since I started, but this time I'm sparring, not just practice alone or with tampons.
My favorite sparring exercises were working to turn my steps and my speed. These techniques are important in Taekwondo. You need power and speed to succeed. My teacher, I had to practice some combinations regularly with my sparring partner and alone. I had to remember these combinations in order to bring the competition for me. Over the next few weeks I worked on the power, speed, timing, combinations, fake outs, and maintain my energy. Without my teacher assigned and sparring partner, I could not have won my first tournament.

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